i would love to share with you my experience of spiritual awakening and all that unfolded afterwards.


Awakening to the Cosmic Truth

Throughout my life, I've been drawn to spirituality and the vast mysteries of the cosmos, guided by my innate connection to imagination and intuition.

In 2019, during my Saturn return, I embarked on a profound spiritual journey.

It was within the sacred space of an ayahuasca ceremony with indigenous people from the Amazonian jungle that I experienced my awakening. Tears of forgiveness mingled with overwhelming joy as I felt the weight of the universe lift from my shoulders.

Two months later, under the guidance of a Peruvian shaman and with the activation of the sacred Huachuma medicine, celestial doors swung wide open.

I traversed realms beyond my body, journeying at the speed of light aboard a spaceship with two star beings from the Pleiades.  

I never imagined that such an experience of unparalleled beauty and revelation, a gift from the universe itself could ever happen to me.

The light I received during these ceremonies became my beacon of hope, sustaining me through life's trials and tribulations, fueling my determination to manifest my dreams.

Since then, I've dedicated myself to the path of spiritual growth, embarking on a journey as a student of Peruvian shamanism. Year by year, I've delved deeper into my healing, integrating the experiences, teachings, and life lessons necessary for my evolution.


The Womb Diagnosis and Imbalances

I shared my shamanic healing gifts within the sanctuary of my healing temple in Bristol until I began noticing overwhelming changes in my womb health. Seeking answers, I visited my GPs and various gynaecologists, undergoing tests and scans.

When they diagnosed me with several womb conditions—a endometrial polyp, Endometriosis, and Adenomyiosis—a piece of my soul departed.

Following the diagnosis, I plunged into a state of profound imbalance. My life became an ordeal, leading me to pause offering healings for about a year to fully address my symptoms: severe insomnia, debilitating anxiety, irregular periods, heavy bleeding, and digestive issues.

Fully immersed in the jaguar energy, the power animal I had been working with, my life became a turmoil of fears materialising into reality. I battled with negative thought patterns deeply ingrained in my psyche, fearing the possibility of a worsening of symptoms and dying in the process. Alongside this, I faced financial insecurities, lack of medical insurance, a long term waiting list for a surgery, withdrawal from cannabis addiction, and loneliness.

It’s ironic that I had been offering shamanic womb healing while struggling with my own unresolved trauma from this life and the karma inherited from past lives and ancestral lineage. 

My womb issues served as a catalyst for profound self-discovery and healing, revealing the importance of respecting boundaries, seeking safety, protection from toxic energies and honouring the sacredness of my womb. While traumas kept me trapped in a victim mentality, my creative power urged me to grow and empower myself, birthing something new from my soul.

I made drastic changes to restore my health, embracing radical shifts such as shaving my head, disposing of toxic products, and adopting a more natural, healthier lifestyle. Despite my relentless efforts to alleviate my symptoms, which included daily walks in nature and attending several 10-day Vipassana meditation courses and various other retreats, I found no definitive solution, only temporary fix. I remained stuck in darkness, experiencing a profound sense of loss and uncertainty about my journey towards healing- a true dark night of the soul.


Entering the Heart Space

Unexpectedly, the universe sent me a surprising gift, teaching me a new way. With the hummingbird's arrival, bringing the full spectrum of light, my energy became vibrant, opening up new possibilities and crafting a different story. 

Like the phoenix rising from its ashes,  the fragments of my soul began to return as I embraced the song of life once more.

I was lucky to discover the perfect blend of healing energies that lifted me back onto my feet. I was shown the way through love, romance, music, dance, creativity, expression, entertainment, friendship, community, travelling and nourishing soul food. All played their part in bringing joy and vitality back into my life.

Through a series of plant medicine ceremonies led by master shamans, I underwent a final clearing of my health issues and imbalances. These sacred rituals helped me reclaim my power, shedding the last remnants of negativity and fear that had held me back for so long.

Now, my healing journey revolves around grounding myself, seeking inner safety, cultivating love, and cherishing the company of those around me. I am learning to dwell in the present moment, balancing active energies while nurturing my psychic gifts in a sustained way. I am content in my current state, finding happiness in the small moments of life.

Sometimes, all it takes is trust that the universe has a benevolent plan and a belief that the wheel of fortune will turn in our favour. Being grateful and adopting a positive attitude helps in the process of heart opening.


EMBRACING my True Essence

I have gained a clear understanding of my life path and how its intricate pieces came together: the spiritual awakening paved the way for healing, clearing karma, and the necessary steps of empowerment to unveil the latent lifetime gift within. Since childhood, I’ve been drawn to creative expression. It was frustrating for my soul to feel that energy trying to manifest but unable to create something tangible because of blockages and a lack of creative background. I made some attempts in creative careers such as photography, videography, acting and public performance before my awakening, yet it was without fruitful pursuits, leaving my gift seemingly elusive, out of reach.

The artist and entertainer archetype finally emerged as a result of a prolonged flight into the realm of Hummingbird. I discovered my true essence, my best flower, my soul’s calling: I am a conscious entertainer. What a relief to finally become your true authentic self in the world. This identity resonates with the nature of my soul and aligns with my higher self. Discovering one's soul's calling and being able to pursue one's dream, pouring all one's energy into it, is a blessing. I’ve learned the valuable lesson of following my heart’s desire in this lifetime.

Living from the heart and infusing everything with joy has become essential to me. Facilitating joy for others through a lighthearted approach to healing harmonises with my role as a shamanic healer. It's incredibly rewarding to uplift people's spirits by transmitting luminous healing energies. I convey energies that are vibrant, uniquely diverse, in a culturally rich fashion. Imagine a whirlwind of high-vibe energies in varied hues and genres coming your way.

I’m here now to offer the perfume of my most exquisite flowers: trance state, flow state, dance, music, songs, journeying, galactic healing, spirit connection, spaceship travel, vibrant costumes, performance, and expression. What a nice vibe to spread! Gratitude to Hummingbird for celebrating life with us!

New evolutionary processes await as I navigate conscious spaces holding. I'm diligently cultivating all the aspects of the self: confidence, belief, acceptance, esteem, love, and approval. Communication barriers are being dismantled, allowing for better listening and authentic expression. And as I am sensitive to receiving telepathic projections from others, I strive not to react but to flow instead. I trust in my own wisdom and experience to master these challenges.

I am concocting another fragrance to be released in divine time: a delightful cacao ceremony served with traditional cakes, infused with games, role play, and storytelling - an offering to reconnect with the inner child.

May my creative endeavours lead to the next step of this long haul journey: a migration flight to South America to deepen my studies of shamanism and plant spirits. To be continued…

Honouring the Journey through gratitude

I express gratitude to the shamans, healers, teachers, space holders, friends, family, and to all my relations, spirit guides, power animals, Mother Earth, and Great Spirit for supporting and guiding me during these transformative times. My true strength lies in my capacity to give back, upholding the harmony of AYNI: the balance between giving and receiving. Aho!