Welcome to a transformative journey of ancient healing practices deeply rooted in the rich tapestry of Peruvian shamanism.

Depending on the reasons for your visit and the symptoms you present, I will intuitively guide you towards the most appropriate and beneficial healing modality among the following offerings:

1. Illumination Healing (to heal trauma and emotional wounds): This transformative healing targets the root causes of trauma and emotional wounds. By restoring the luminous energy field, this process clears blockages, releases stagnant energy, and facilitates profound emotional healing, enabling individuals to reclaim their inner balance. This is the first step on your healing journey.

2. Extraction: In the realm of shamanic healing, Extraction serves as a powerful method to remove spiritual intrusions and negative energies that may have attached themselves to the energetic body. Through sacred rituals and energetic cleansing, we liberate individuals from these intrusive energies, allowing for spiritual alignment and harmony. An extraction can be performed during any healing, including the womb healing.

3. Past Life Regression: Explore the tapestry of your soul's journey across lifetimes with a past life regression. This experience offers a gateway to uncovering past life imprints that may influence your present reality. Through deep meditative techniques, shamanic drumming and my guidance, gain insights, and understanding, promoting healing, resolution, and a deeper connection with your higher self.

4. Soul Retrieval: Embark on a profound journey of inner integration and wholeness with a Soul Retrieval. This ritualistic process involves the shamanic retrieval of fragmented soul aspects lost due to trauma or life challenges. By reconnecting individuals with their lost essence, this healing modality fosters a profound sense of empowerment, healing, and completeness.

5. Power Retrieval: Reclaim your inherent strength and vitality through the practice of Power Retrieval. This process facilitates the retrieval of lost personal power and vital energies. By harmonising with the natural forces and spiritual allies, individuals can rediscover their innate power, enhancing resilience, clarity, and a deeper connection with the self and the world around them.

How I work:

My sessions are conducted with reverence, integrity, and deep respect for ancient traditions. Each journey is personalised, honouring individual needs, and fostering a sacred space for healing, growth, and spiritual transformation.

If you are new on this journey, I will recommend to start with an illumination healing to clear energetic imprints. When you stop the patterns that lead you to be confronted to your wounds, you can receive a past life regression to clear karmic energies of disempowerment, abuse or attachment. Once you have integrated these healings, it is time to bring back pieces of your soul and calling back your power.

You may need just one session if you have been on the healing journey for a while. Ideally, 3 sessions are needed, with a minimum of 1 month of integration in between. A reduced price is applied when booking 3 sessions.

Let’s chat on the phone if you wonder how many sessions you need to book.

Click here for the list of contraindications