Womb shamanic healing


In a woman's healing journey, the womb healing is an essential part of the process as this energetic vortex contains imprints from lifetimes of experiences, ancestral legacies, and collective traumas. Through womb healing, women address a myriad of challenges, including attachments, co-dependency, negative patterns, victim mentality, societal pressures, boundary issues, self-acceptance, expression, creativity, unresolved trauma, negative emotions, fears, and struggles with intimacy and sexuality. Seeking healing allows women to transcend these obstacles and step into their full potential.

As a healer and woman, I assist women in:

  • Restoring the energetics of the womb for profound healing

  • Awakening the goddess energy within

  • Trusting their intuition and inner guidance

  • Respecting the sacredness of their body

  • Empowering them to reclaim autonomy over their lives

  • Encouraging the full expression of their authentic selves

  • Unlocking their creative power to birth ideas, projects, and visions into the world

Benefits of Womb Shamanic Healing:

  • Physical: Alleviates ailments related to menstrual cycles, fertility challenges due to PCOS or endometriosis, menopause, physical trauma, digestive health, overall pelvic health due to conditions like pelvic inflammatory disease and uterine fibroids.

  • Emotional: Heals trauma and emotional wounds, releases negative and stagnant emotions such as anger, fear, sadness, and grief, fosters self-love and acceptance, alleviates anxiety and depression, empower personal transformation, improve emotional resilience.

  • Spiritual: Deepens spiritual connection, awaken intuition, promotes a sense of purpose, aligns with one's soul's calling, connect with ancestral wisdom, enhance manifestation.

What to Expect During Our Session:

I facilitate transformative healing by creating a sacred container where you can deeply connect with your womb and receive its messages. This process involves delving into the depths of your subconscious mind to identify and release energetic blockages associated with the womb, facilitating healing from emotional wounds, past traumas, and outdated conditioning, which may manifest as physical, emotional, or spiritual imbalances.

Guided by my intuitive wisdom, I lead you on a journey, through the exploration of the 8 gates of the womb medicine wheel, vocalising the 8 sounds of the womb. My approach also combines shamanic clearing such as energy extraction and sacred songs, sound frequency using tuning forks attuned to planetary vibrations, massage, crystals, Rahanni celestial energy healing, breathwork and visualisation. To conclude, I perform the 13th rite of the womb from the Munay-ki tradition, sealing the healing process and empowering your connection with the divine feminine within.

Read the list of contraindications before booking!